The Daily Cass #4 - Resolution
In which Cass makes a resolution and the plot of the past few episodes is also resolved - geddit?
Episode 4 of 4, continues from last Friday’s post.
Oak processionary caterpillars are basically poison ivy on legs.
Still not sure a daily schedule is going to work, because I’ve not been producing these fast enough. To get there, I need to either devote more time to drawing at the expense of something else, or make the comic even simpler. I may try black and white or further reduced backgrounds or more panels with characters drawn from the chest up here shortly. But I may also be a few more days before I get started on the next storyline. IDK.
Haha, didn't see that one coming!
I agree with Cass. In their (textile) world I conform to their standards, but I'll be damned if I'll conform to their standards when they come into mine. Great story concept! 👍