The Daily Cass Episode 25: Fourth Wall
At least one reader predicted this! If that's you, you win a gold star.
Yep, everything from the Slug Wars onwards was the webcomic that Enrique suggested making at the end of the Nudist Fiction Workshop storyline: Cass’s Hidden Agenda.
(And yes, I'm going to use the ComicFury site for archive links, because Substack doesn't offer suitable navigation tools for webcomics.)
I was going to spend more time on Barsoom with our trio and the ducks, but I'm also aware that two whole weeks have passed in real life while I was sick earlier this month and that this is making the Barsoom section of the comic 'feel' like it's longer than it actually is. Plus drawing that jewelry really is a lot of extra, fiddly work. So we'll have some more storytelling set on the actual island, and will go back to the webcomic-inside-the-webcomic whenever I fancy telling more of that story. People have made other guesses about the future of that arc, some of which are also correct.
If you enjoyed the Martian shenanigans, I did a whole storyline set on Barsoom more than twenty years ago as part of the White House in Orbit series: Marauders of Mars.
White House in Orbit, written by the late Geir Strøm, was a tribute to the newspaper comics of old, set in the year 3030. I’ve been meaning to get back to it; indeed, I recycled some of the ideas I had for a sequel to “Marauders of Mars” for this sequence in The Daily Cass.